Saturday, August 24, 2013

What is an IP adress ?

It is a default private IP for various NAT/network devices such as routers. In order to resolve the issue of shortage of IP to be used on the Internet, these IP addresses were devised. RFC 1918 defines the ranges of the private IP.
An IP, where IP stands for Internet Protocol, is a numeric identification that is assigned to all the devices or machines, which are a part of any computer network. All the devices, which are connected to a network, have a unique IP. As we have said earlier, these addresses are numeric representations, which are divided into four parts, and each part is separated by a period (dot) between them. For instance, an IP normally looks like
One series of these numbers is classified as private IP. Generally, this set of numbers range from to Each of these numbers is retained and unique as compared to other IP addresses. The word unique here is used in the sense that these numbers are unique within the network they belong. To make this clear let us take an example of your college or office computer, which is assigned an IP in network and you, will have the same IP address in your home network as well and it won't create any conflicting issue.
NAT (Network Address Translation) and Private Address Space
With the evolution of Internet, there started to be a shortage of IP addresses simply due to the way through which these are allocated. For a quick fix of this problem, NAT devices are used. For instance, if you have more than one computer in your home and all of them are connected to a NAT device say router, that router assigned a unique private Ip to each computer.
The NAT devices, such as router or firewall, modify the information that your computer send to the Internet, hence in turn they get a normal address that can be used on the web. Another important feature of the NAT device is that they are accountable to route the information entering the network to the right computer in your network.
Default IP is a default IP address used by various NAT devices in private networks such as routers. Some other default IP addresses include and As we have said in the beginning that the ranges of these IP is defined by RFC 1918. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for keeping these and other numbers reserved within their particular ranges for private network use.
There are so many Nat devices or network devices, which use as default private IP. But the two most popular NAT devices brands, Linksys and Speedtouch use this and other numbers as their default IP.

Google Vs Bing Who's is the BEST ?

Bing started so humbly, with its odd commercials that left you asking, "what is Bing?" They began by bleeding money like a stuck pig, but now they have created a powerhouse "gang" of search engines. First Bing and Yahoo teamed up, then Bing and Facebook joined their features to make a more social search feeling, now they have tied themselves to making them a search juggernaut. In June 2011 Bing had climbed to 14% of the searches made online, from 4% 6 months ago in December 2010. But now Google has its new Google+ and Profiles. Soon Microsoft will be responding with its Tulalip Social Search Program. Will it be enough, or will Googles own Social Network overpower it?
Well here are some personal thoughts on the situation. I have years of experience in this industry and what it is telling me is that you need to look at the companies backing the product. Microsoft and Google. Microsoft is worth approximately 90 billion and has 89,000 employees. Google is worth approximately 50 billion and has 24,000 employees. Microsoft has nearly 3x the workforce and twice the cash. The big buster is this though, Google's 2010 profits are recorded as 8.505 billion dollars, well Microsoft closed the year with a hefty 18.761 billion dollars. Though Google has killed the first quarter with almost a years revenue, it still says to me that no matter what Google does if Microsoft wants to stay, they will stay.
With the Google+ user base already in the millions and zooming skyward, Google is planning heavy investments in it and will eventually use Plus as the infrastructure for all Google products. Microsoft will be responding with Tulalip soon, a Social Network that is integrated with search more deeply than anything we have seen before, will we get a nifty button for rating things? We can only hope that we get Microsoft to make a Check Mark button or something of the like so that we can integrate yet ANOTHER button into our websites. I believe that Google+ biggest mistake was making it so that no business section will exist for a year or so, that takes away HUGE group of interested parties.
The war is merely in its build up stage, early 2012 we should see some veritable nuclear bombs dropping from Microsoft I believe. As a P.P.C. Assassin I sit quietly by the sidelines watching, waiting and leaping upon opportunities that I see for my clients overall success and ROI. Watch your backs and remember, Ascension Web Presence Creation is here to help guide you when times are darkest in advertising. Never underestimate the power of the little red guy...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Best antivirus

Nowadays, only the best antivirus software products are able to detect all threats that are known, identify any potential risks quickly, and remove all malware that might have already been picked up by your computer. They are also able to block malware that might make attempts to get into your computer or laptops using various methods like chat, email, P2P file sharing, external devices, network connections, disks and websites. Most importantly, they should be able to do this in the background, without devouring all of your computer resources that are needed for other things.
Every year, the same antivirus and security products tend to offer the best, but there is always room for change. Here are the best products from current ones that are on the market.
Best Products
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus, Norton Antivirus and Webroot Secure Anywhere Antivirus programs are considered best for technological publications and testing facilities. Webroot and Norton are tied for the top spot in the malware removal test, but Bitdefender is not much far behind as well.
As soon as you have installed your protection and cleaned up any threats that already exist, your antivirus will then spend the majority of the time fending off any new attacks. Some products are better at preventing a problem in rooting out malware that has been in your system for a long time. Webroot seems to always score better in blocking new problems.
The best antivirus software must be constantly evolving in order to combat creative shape-shifting malware. In fact, computer viruses are at a pandemic stage. The first nine months of 2011, one software company processed 19.9 million new specimens of malware and still there are computer users who do not use antivirus software. They think that if they are careful where they click, their computer will not be infected, but this is no longer the case.
Many consumers use more than one real-time antivirus program, but that uses too many system resources, often causing conflicts and can even in some cases reduce your protection.
Best Free Programs
The very best antivirus software that is available free is "Avast! Free Antivirus", as evident from many recent studies. Avast has been improving steadily in rates of detection over the last several years, so now it rates up there with the best. It also has real-time capabilities including email, web, IM, P2P, network shields, boot-time scanning, and a behavior blocker. The newest version 6 also has features including site rating plugins, malware script protection and other situations. This is a FREE program and it does not use up all your resources as well.
Another best antivirus software for free is MS Security Essentials by Microsoft, which has high rates of detection, predominantly for rootkits. It is even more remarkable in having very few "false positives"; doesn't use many resources and is also good at removing any malware that already exist. It needs very little interaction and it updates and removes threats automatically. Moreover, it doesn't have any registration, ignoring advertisement or nag screens. It is best to note here that MS Security Essentials needs an authentic copy of Windows to be installed.
What are the predictions for 2013?
Threats to our computer systems and networks are predicted to get more sophisticated in 2013, as hackers become better at what they do, so it is going to be necessary more than ever to have the best antivirus software that you can afford. You may also have a look at the free software that is on the market, if your finances are not in a good shape lately. Lack of money is no longer a reason for not protecting your computer and personal information.

Find out how Touch Screen Technology works ?

Touch Screen Technology has been slowly becoming more main-stream with the roll out of several new smart phones and computer monitors. No mouse is required, no trackball, and no arrow buttons either. With the touch of your finger, you can launch applications, make a phone call, draw a picture, and more! It makes becoming mobile even easier, plus when it comes to smart phones, the screen is larger for better viewing. But how does touch screen technology work?
Touch Screens are able to operate using your hand, finger, or a stylus pen.
There are several different kinds of touch screens:
· Resistive (pressure-sensitive)
· Capacitive (electrically-sensitive)
· SAW (aka surface acoustic wave, or acoustically sensitive)
· Infrared (photo-sensitive)
Resistive touchscreen panels are composed of several very thin layers, including two thin metallic layers that are electrically conductive and separated by a narrow gap. When there is pressure applied to those layers, the metallic layers become connected. This causes a change in electrical current. This registers as a touch event which will then show as a cursor movement or the selection of an icon or application.
SAW technology uses ultrasonic waves that pass over a touchscreen panel. As the panel is touched, part of the wave is absorbed. This registers as a touch event due to the change in the waves themselves.
Capacitive touch screen panels consist of an insulator coated with a transparent conductor. By the human body touching this conductor, it distorts the electrostatic field of the body and determines the location of the touch.
Infrared touchscreen technology uses infrared LED and photo-detectors around the edge of a screen. When a stylus, finger, or other object interrupts the flow of these LEDs and photo-detectors, it creates a touch event.
The touch screen technology can be more complex than this simple explanation; however the method of using touchscreens is very easy and even fun!

5 ways to type faster in Android

You know the feeling. You never learned any keyboard skills at school (assuming they were even being taught when you were there) so your typing is closer to hunt and peck than it is to Mavis Beacon. Which is OK if you're tapping out a short email but is a pain in the neck if you've got a multi page report to produce.
Here are some tips to help you type faster without having to take two steps backwards in your typing speed while you learn.
1. Use more than one finger!
If one hand is laying dormant or is gripping your mouse with a vengeance rather than move anywhere near the keyboard, it's time to use at least one finger from each hand.
If you use each hand to cover around half the keyboard then you'll reduce what a hard disk manufacturer would call "seek time". Your fingers have less distance to travel, which will speed up your typing. Plus two of them tapping away will help as well.
2. Thump the space bar with your thumb
This is again quite an easy trick to learn.
Gradually train your thumb to be the thing that hits the space bar rather than moving one of your fingers down to the bottom of the keyboard.
3. Consider touch typing
This is a brige too far for a lot of people. I'm fast enough with a few fingers and my left thumb to have found that learning to touch type was too much hassle. Maybe eventually I'd have sped up but short term touch typing was grinding my typing and my creativity to a halt. Your choice - if you're pounding a keyboard day in, day out, it could be worth the short term hit on typing speed for the longer term benefit.
4. Watch the screen, not the keyboard
This one is an "ouch" at first.
But learning to watch the screen more than the keyboard was probably the single most important thing I personally did to speed up my tapping.
Touch typists do it by definition, so I figured that if it was good enough for them, it was good enough for me.
There are times when I'll slip and my eyes will glance at the keyboard. But they're less and less often and are used to "get my bearings" on where the keys have moved from (psychologically - I don't balance my keyboard on my lap) since I last checked.
A purist touch typist would glare at me for doing this - they'd use those little raised bits on the F and J keys to keep themself guided. But if you're not a touch typist, glancing at the keyboard is fine.
5. Cheat!
Again, Mavis Beacon would throw her arms up in horror at this suggestion.
But there's nothing to say you have to use a keyboard.
There are programs available that will transcribe your words onto the screen. So you can literally talk your words rather than hammer away at that QWERTY keyboard.
Windows keeps it a bit of a secret but ever since Vista, it's had that capability built in but - for reasons I've never understood - switched off. Do a quick search and see whether you get on with this method - I find it slows me down, especially as I like to listen to music as I type but you may decide it's the best way to not type.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The benefits of AJAX technology in your web application

In the recent years, AJAX has evolved in a big way. There are many web developers who praise this platform for the immense benefits it brings. Most of the websites that are being created today are based on this programming as it brings uniformity to online users. With the aid of AJAX you are able to get good navigation to the site and some on the notable internet resources like Yahoo Maps, Google Maps and more are based on this advanced and user-friendly platform.
You may be thinking why AJAX is so popular today? Most experts love this platform for it high element of flexibility. Technically it is known as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It arrived on the scene in 2005 and ever since has been immensely praised for it remarkable characteristics and other attributes. It has the ability to get along with server scripts and it has communication that is high-end. The best part is you can receive data in many formats that include text, XML and HTML.
When you opt for the above programming you can send data without reloading or refreshing the page. This is why you will find many rich applications being used with the AJAX programming. There is also another salient feature of this programming platform. It helps you to save time along with bandwidth. If you look back you will notice that AJAX has not evolved alone-it have contributed to the evolution of a number of web development technologies successfully as well.
Today in the online world interactions need to be fast. This is why many web development applications have deployed this platform to cater to the above demands successfully. The platform can be used across multiple browsers, operating systems and other web architectures. The above can be successfully used for creating Web 2.0 websites. If you look around and check you will find that there are many popular websites that have implemented the above platform for the creation of rich and interactive applications.
AJAX has several benefits over conventional web development technologies. The pages load faster and they graphic elements are enhanced. Besides the above you can also get the benefits of cross-platform technologies and using different operating systems. This means if you have a website you will be making a very good decision if you opt on this platform. It helps you to enhance web presence. Your visitors will be happy and you will earn great rewards in the long run.
There are many programmers in this platform who have received extensive knowledge about AJAX. They have lent their specialized services to many businesses. This has led to their growth and development successfully. One big example in this regard is Google Maps. The loading is so fast that you can browse and navigate the area you wish to find without hassles at all. Such applications that are friendly for users is a wise choice and this is why you should develop a website backed AJAX to get success in the online competitive market today!

Monday, August 19, 2013

What is new in Python programming language

In today's workplace, Python training is an increasingly important part of a programmer's education. As a dynamic language whose design philosophy revolves around readability and conciseness, Python is a popular choice for use as a scripting language. Like other interpretative languages, it is more flexible than compiled languages, and it can be used to tie disparate systems together. Indeed, Python is a versatile language with many applications in growing fields.
For example, Python is a popular programming language for educational software. Raspberry Pi, the single-board computer project for teaching students computer programming, uses Python as its primary programming language. In addition, much of the software for the One Laptop per Child XO is written in Python. At the other end of the educational spectrum, Python is also a very effective language for scientific computing and mathematical software for theoretical mathematics. As educational software development continues to grow, Python will become a more and more important language to know.
In addition to educational software, Python is also a favored language for use in AI tasks. Because Python is a scripting language with rich text processing tools, module architecture, and syntax simplicity, it is a natural choice for applications involving natural language processing. Programs like Wolfram Alpha and Siri are just beginning to penetrate the end-user market and many such programs yet to come will be written in Python.
Moreover, Python is often used as a scripting language for web applications. For example, Google has adopted Python as one of the available languages in its Google App Engine, a cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications. Python is also used as a framework to program communications between computers for web applications like Dropbox. As web application development is a fast-growing field, programmers would to well to acquire some Python training to keep their skills up-to-date.
Python is also quite useful as a modern scripting language similar to Perl, which can used to tie disparate systems together. Because of this, because Python is a standard component for many Linux and Unix based operating systems, and because Python is used extensively in the information security industry, Python is an important tool for systems administrators to learn, as well as programmers.
Python training is becoming an increasingly vital programming language. Due to its versatility, Python has a wide variety of uses in many growing fields. Both programmers and systems administrators would do well to pick up some Python savvy in order to keep their skills up-to-date.

Top stips to increase your youtube views

If you look at YouTube as a website where you can upload videos, then you are going nowhere near getting many hits for your videos. With this outlook, you are using the site for personal entertainment regardless of whether or not you are going to create a sensation out of your videos. But if you are looking to monetize your videos, you should be looking at YouTube differently. If you look at YouTube as a social media site, you are on a right perspective to increase YouTube views for your videos.
There are several easy steps to increase YouTube views. However, these steps are often taken for granted. Many of those who post on YouTube thinks it is enough to produce a funny video and upload it on the site to make a video go viral. While content is very crucial to make the video more likely to get noticed, there are other ways on how you can increase the chances of getting hits.
Do Not Skip the MetaData
Creating your video and uploading them is not all the task to get hits in YouTube. You also have to fill up the required meta data including the title heading, description, tags and categories. Fight the temptation of skipping this step. Your patience will pay off because these data help increase the probabilities of your videos getting more views. Your video will not just be an instant hit. Your video will continue getting increased YouTube views even after many months. Meta data does not only increase the chance of getting search on YouTube, but also on other sites such as search engines.
Create a Relevant Thumbnail
Another step to increase YouTube views is to create a thumbnail for your video. A thumbnail is basically a snapshot that best represents your video. It could be an image, text or a frozen part of your video. You have the choice of creating a thumbnail if you are a partner of YouTube. You can customize the design so you have the option of creating one. If you are not a partner of YouTube, the site will auto-generate three thumbnail options for you to choose from. Make sure your thumbnails look good to easily capture the attention of viewers whether in YouTube of in search engines.
Use Annotations to Your Advantage
Annotations can also increase YouTube views. They are small texts that are integrated into the video as overlays. Annotations can be information, subscription box or relevant links that will help your audience to remember that you have other videos or that you have products and services that they could purchase to help them with their daily problems. Annotations help generate traffic by increasing the chances of getting your ads clicked or by increasing your Google ranking.
Edit Your Video to a Suitable Running Time
It is important to include vital and rich content to increase YouTube views. Many people are no longer looking for short and funny videos but have poor content. They would be willing to watch a longer video if they want to learn about vital information to solve their problems. If your video is simply commercial, then there is no need to create a very long one. If your video is procedural and educational, you can edit it to a desirable length of time so that the content will not be sacrificed. Content can increase YouTube views and can help build trust among your potential market.

PHP 5 in few words

Since the release of PHP version 5, the woes of developers have indeed finally come to an end. PHP 5 is essentially the most robust version of this web coding language that comes integrated with support for Object Oriented Programming as well as enhanced MySQL and XML. These three essential components of PHP 5 have been completely recoded in order to unleash their full capability. Apart from this, there are tons of other improvements that have been inculcated within this release. Here is a brief overview of all good things that happened to PHP 5:
Enhanced Support For OOP:
Before this 5th release of PHP, some developers were really frustrated due to limited OOP support. However, this version of PHP carries a huge variety of classes and public / private methods that help is making PHP the king of all web development application languages. The PHP 5 comes integrated with constructors, final properties and method, enhanced interfaces, destructors, class type hints and objects plus a complete collection of magical methods.
Recoded and Enhanced MySql:
PHP and MySQL together are deployed for programming robust and scalable web applications. Although earlier version of PHP was acting OK with MySQL, but this version comes with even better enhancements. Components like prepared statements and inbound / outbound parameters have been fully recoded along with SSL connection and Multi Query functions. MySQLi has also been deployed to gather some juice from newly OOP functionality added to
New XML Extension:
1. The new XML extension integrated with this release of PHP include:
2. Unified whole extension
3. Single Library Standardization
4. Full W3C Compliance
5. Easy to Handle and Worthy XML Tool
6. Effective and Quick Processing of Data
SQLite Database Integration:
SQlite is a lighter version of MySQL that doesn't requires you to install complete database and only needs a single library to store and query the required data. PHP 5 comes packaged with SQLite that is bound to operate on all PHP 5 installations. The SQLite support of sub queries, triggers and transaction makes it a wonderful add-on.
Revamped Exception Handling:
This new version of PHP comes with a highly enhanced and clear error handling interface that wasn't present in previous releases. The new and revamped exception / error handling allows you to separate coding logic from exception handling and parsing them to different and associated code joints.
Apart from these important changes in PHP 5, some minor enhancements include better SOAP deployment with WSDL file and Iterators. Iteration is a new addition to PHP 5 and allows programmers to clean jumbled details from their code.
All in all, PHP 5 is perhaps the most in-demand web development coding language that is getting quickly adopted due to its adaptability, scalability and robustness. In case you are interested in getting your next application done in PHP, then you can easily hire PHP developers from different freelancing and online work portals.

Why Jquery ?


Both JavaScript and jQuery are client side scripting libraries used for tasks such as validation, building visually appealing elements like fancy navigation menus etc. Since the purpose of both the technologies (jQuery and JavaScript) is the same, the choice of using a particular technology lies with the programmer. In recent years, jQuery is quickly gaining popularity over JavaScript (JavaScript has been around for many more years than JQuery). Let us discuss the possible advantages that jQuery has over JavaScript.
1. jQuery is well compiled and well organized
jQuery has a strong community that does a good job in verifying and listing modules on the official portal. Let us consider for example that a programmer wishes to use 'Date Picker'(Date Picker element is used to select a date from a pop up calendar. Once selected, the date value will be populated in an adjoining text box. This saves the typing time for end users). If the programmer has chosen JQuery, he will quickly download the plugin from the official website. On the other hand, if the same programmer has chosen JavaScript, he will be searching on Google for open source JavaScript codes for 'Date Picker' element. There would be tens or hundreds of results from which he has to choose one. Most Probably, the code he would be using would not have been verified. Hence it becomes clear that jQuery is certainly well organized and well compiled. Consistent solutions are possible with jQuery which may not be possible with JavaScript most of the times.
2. jQuery requires least testing effort
Before being made available to programmers, jQuery components are tested on all popular browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome etc. Hence the programmers need not test a component on all browsers. Programmers enjoy the leisure of testing on any one of the browsers. However with JavaScript, there is no guarantee that the component will look and behave the same way in all browsers. Hence the programmers using JavaScript need to perform extensive testing on all browsers. The testing could be a tedious effort when the number of JavaScript components used is high.
3. jQuery requires less debugging effort
jQuery functions are modular and very much readable. They are more concise than JavaScript. Being modular and concise makes the debugging of jQuery code a whole lot easier than that of JavaScript.
4. jQuery is updated constantly
jQuery libraries are updated constantly. Whenever web technologies and browsers evolve, there always had been compatibility issues with JavaScript libraries. But this is not the case with JQuery. jQuery libraries are updated constantly to adapt to new changes in web technologies that interact with client side scripts.

Top 5 tips to make money on Youtube

Making money on YouTube is easier said than done, but it's possible! It isn't right for those who want get-rich-quick schemes because you have to spend time and money if you want to succeed in this moneymaking venture. You actually need to become a YouTube partner to be able to insert ads on your videos. You'll earn commission for every click on those ads; yes it works pretty much like Google AdSense.
The thing is, becoming a YouTube partner isn't as easy as becoming an AdSense publisher. You need to go through several processes first before you can start off with this moneymaking venture. Here are the basic steps on how you can be recognized as a YouTube partner, and start earning money from this site:

1. Have an AdSense account.

This is needed because your earnings from the ads you'll display on YouTube will go to your AdSense account. Your application as a YouTube partner won't be denied if you don't have such account, but it's just simpler to have an AdSense account first, so that as soon as you get approved, you can start placing ads on YouTube right away.

2. Make sure you have a huge following on YouTube.

While this site doesn't actually reveal their requirements on how to get approved as a YouTube partner, one of the biggest and most important factor YouTube people use in assessing your application is the number of audience your YouTube videos have. So if you think you don't have enough subscribers, channel views, and viewers, work hard first to significantly increase the number of your viewers and subscribers.

3. Upload videos regularly.

You have very low chances of getting accepted if you have very few uploaded videos, no matter how viral they went. This is because YouTube wants people who will work with them for a long time. So if you want to build an additional income stream through YouTube, take time to make more videos and upload on a regular basis. You'll have more chances of getting approved if you have uploaded at least 100 videos.

4. Make sure your videos are all original.

Don't expect your application to be approved if you have copyrighted material on your videos. When using background music, graphics, images, logos, video clips, and other materials, get permission from the owner.

5. Make your videos and YouTube channel look more professional.

While it's important that you meet the all of the site's technical requirements, don't forget that the one who'll approve your application is a person, not a machine. He/she will evaluate if you'll be a good YouTube partner, so make sure you please that person by making your videos and your YouTube channel more professional looking.
It pays to have a website where you can post your videos and allow your audience to interact with you. Come up with a nice logo and make it appear in all your videos, serving like a watermark.

How to choose a strong and secure password

   Creating a strong password is a must today in order to help you safely protect your online transactions. Without it, you'll be left vulnerable to intrusions, stolen personal information, spam, viruses and more. You don't want to know that reason your friends and family are getting spammed, viruses is because your email account was hacked. Or imagine if this happens to your credit card or your bank account? The ramification can be devastating. So before it reaches this level, you can take some very simple steps to creating a strong password.
The question that most people ask is "How I can remember these long strings of letters, numbers and characters?" Well it is very simple and as you will see in this article, it will take two steps to get it done, really. And it may end up being fun. But before we dig in into how to create a complicated password, we are going to play a memory game.
Let's say we have these five objects to remember in order: car, frame, hammer, spoon and sun. The trick to remembering these words or items right away is to compose a sentence with all of them. It does not have to make sense. The sentence just needs to create actions. It will look like this: "In my car, I framed a picture with my hammer and hanged the spoon right over it under the sun." You have now composed a sentence with all 5 words and created actions out of them. If you picture yourself doing these actions, you will immediately remember all 5 words as soon as they are presented to you.
We will use the same analogy to create complicated password in 2 easy steps.
1. Select your favorite words, date/time (number) and a character.
2. Make a sentence with all of them.
Let's say I like colors, fruits and I have great (or bad) memories that happened at a specific time. Let's use the information below:
Words/Numbers/Characters: Red, banana, &,1975
The password will be: Redbanana&1975
Words/Numbers/Characters: Clown,scared,!,1999
The password will be: Clownscared!1999
Or something more fun:
Words/Numbers/Characters: In, 1975, I, became,*
The password will be: In1975ibecame*
Words/Numbers/Characters: @, 12PM, friday, ihave, $
The password will be: @12PMfridayihave$
Try using the first word in upper case; add some numbers, one simple character and you are done. These are strong passwords and you can make all kind of combinations. This will take about 10 minutes of your time but I can assure you, it will be the best 10 minutes you spent.
Remember to use a password for each one of your major account and try changing them as often as you memory can allow it.

Who Wins? Android Vs iOS - Let's Check It Out

With the smartphones market just blooming these days mobile operating systems have seen a lot of changes in terms of appearance, performance, usability, utilities and credibility. Since the beginning of this Dog Fight Mobile System developers are bound to face challenges in staying ahead of competitors. The two major competitors of this mobile operating system market are currently Android (a Google Product) and iOS (an Apple Production).
Let's look at the strategies that they have opted to stay ahead of each other.
User Interface.
It will take a while to point significant differences in the user interfaces of the two operating systems but to a regular user, Apple's iOS UI looks much richer as compared to Android because of its fluidity and flexibility in switching animations. Although both offer similar resolutions video display yet we have to say this battle is won by iOS.
Android is an open source product whereas iOS is not, hence in android any one can build Android applications and even sell it without certification from Google which gives the audience a vast area to explore and because of this factor market share of Android has seen a better growth as compared to iOS.In case of iOS if you are developing an iOS app then you have to first certify that with Apple which makes it less popular when compared to Android which makes Android win this battle by great margin.
Touch Panel
Since most of the mobile phones released today are fully touch enabled hence mobile user seeks better response from the touch screen panel. Mobile users wish for more responsive touch experience and which even has a fix for misplaced touch. This feature is hard to master but Apple has found a way which provides both of these features to greater accuracy when compared Android mobile phones, hence it gives iOS users a great experience with their Apple product and make them addictive to iOS, which is a feature that Apple has won the battle.
Performance and Battery Backups
Since different Android mobile systems may provide different performance and battery backups, we will compare the average of Android vs. iOS battery backup. Although both these systems offer applications in which user can decide whether to go with high performance or higher battery backup, Apple's iOS battery backup is by far much better as compared to Android average battery backup and also when we look at the performance of Android phones its much slower as compared to Apple's iOS fluidity and switching speeds, so this battle also goes to iOS.
Hardware Components
When we come to this section it becomes really hard to judge who actually wins this battle.
Android offers simply the best camera quality and features which includes editing videos and photos with the help of free applications dynamically and there are a lot of stuff that you can do with your photos and videos.
Sound Plugins and Utilities
By first impression on this feature you would say Apple is the one and you are right. When you look at iTunes, it offers the best music libraries all over the world which enables you to share your music among different Apple products with just a touch of a button. The sound hardware at Apple product is perfect in its Treble and Base which makes it unbeatable in this segment.
We ultimately concludes that although android has the greater market share in terms of applications still iOS looks rock solid when it comes to sales.
Compared to latest Android version i.e. Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0), the battle will get intense and it would be real interesting to see how far Android offers when the much anticipated concept iPhone 5 lands in the market.

What is the best programming language to learn first ?

There is no single "top" programming language. If you want to write programs like a pro, you want to study at least one high level language (probably C++ since it is currently the most general of the high level languages) and one database programming (such as SQL). You can not go wrong learning C++. With so numerous companies writing software in C++, many people with C++ programming experience can get a contract almost anyplace.
But the big fame of C++ programming means that rivalry is often high. Because 1000s of senior computers still run COBOL softwares that need uninterrupted updating, many coders are finding a lucrative career learning to write and change COBOL programs. With fewer COBOL coders available, companies often must pay COBOL programmers a greater salary. For those planning to work for themselves, one of the most profitable markets is writing custom databases for other companies.
To get into this domain, you evidently must know a database programming language, like SQL or VBA, which Microsoft Access utilizes. If you plan to create network pages, you need to know HTML and gain some closeness with Java, JavaScript, VBScript, and the remaining web programming languages.
You can write a unsophisticated software that shows your cat's name on screen without much planning, but for anything harder, you would like to take time to design your software on paper prior to even touch a computer.
Finally, the best programming software to know is the one that enables you to fulfill the task that you want as rapidly and easy as possible, whether that language is C++, BASIC, Java, SQL, or assembly language.

Chose Windows or Linux

Windows or Linux

With so many Microsoft Windows related viruses, errors, and other software problems, many average computer users are looking at alternative operating system platforms, such as Linux. It is important that users, frustrated with Windows, don't simply install a version of Llinux without knowing what they are in for. There are many important differences between Windows and Linux that anyone considering a change should be fully aware of. Herein we discuss some of the similarities and differences between Windows and Linux so you can get a better idea as to which operating system is really best for you.
The major difference between Linux and Windows is the open-source nature of Linux and closed-source nature of Windows. Linux, as an open-source OS, can be modified by the user as he/ she sees fit. Open source really means that anyone can modify the underlying code, and that no one completely owns it. Microsoft Windows, on the other hand, is not an operating system you can modify easily - it was designed to work a particular way with a certain user interface as designated by Microsoft software engineers.
The consequences of Linux being an open-source OS are many. Because you can modify the code, and because there are many user interfaces out there (GUIs), there are usually compatibility issues with various software applications. Some software may be designed to work with multiple Linux GUIs, while others many only be able to work with a few, or just one. Also, the open-source operating system demands that the user know how to work with and modify the program - a task that is usually very difficult for the average computer user familiar with Windows. Even the installation of Linux can be a chore if you are not familiar with Linux terminology.
What I am getting at here is that Linux is great for those who are willing to take the time to learn the program, pick out and install a GUI they like (this may take a while!), and prefer choice over simple usability. Windows is easy to learn, easy to run, and does not demand a lot from its users. This OS is appropriate for a majority of the general public who simply want something that runs right out of the box with little configuration. People also want universal compatibility, and don't want to have to deal with constantly modifying their OS. Price wise, Linux is super cheap compared with Windows. For advanced users who have the desire to modify their OS, Linux is the by far the best choice. If you don't have the time or knowledge, however, stay with Microsoft Windows for the time being, and be sure to download all updates and security patches as often as possible!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

How can I learn programming easier

The easiest way to learn programming languages

It will take some time to learn any of the programming languages that are available. However, this doesn't mean it has to consume the rest of your life! There are a few things that can be done which can make it much easier to learn a computer program. One of the most important things to remember is to not go too fast. It is better to get it right first and then move on. This is better than doing something incorrectly and trying to figure out where it all went wrong so you can fix it. It can take a lot more time to do it incorrectly and try to fix it than it can to slow down and do it correctly the first time. Many times students try to go too quickly through the introductory information and end up falling further behind. It is important to take your time.

Example Codes 

Even though you are reading a book or other forms of instructional materials you need to take your time to make sure that you understand the material. Code is the basis of all programming and so you will want to take the necessary time to read all the examples of code that goes with the text portions. Look at the code and try to understand why it does what it does. Take your time with all of the examples that are provided and make sure you can make sense of the text and the code together.

Run the Code 

Reading the text and looking at examples of code it can be easy to pass on over it and think that you have it or that it makes sense. This can be rather tricky. There is only one way to determine if you really do understand it or not. Type the code in and run it. Do not copy and paste even though this is much faster - it will not demonstrate your understanding. Make certain that the code does exactly what you think it is going to do in real life.

Write Your Own Code 

When you begin to understand how the code works it is beneficial to write your own as soon as you can. Even if you are not sure that you fully understand it can be very beneficial to give it a shot anyway. This will force you to think about all of the elements that go into the written code. It is possible to use the examples in any of your books or materials. You may just try something very simple and small, but it will help you begin to grasp the concepts that will be used on a larger scale.

Find More Resources 

It is very possible to misunderstand a part of the code, or that the way in which it was explained was not thorough enough for you. It can be very beneficial to find more information online or even from other classmates or tutors. Sometimes it is all in the way material is presented. Try rephrasing your lessons in other terms by using your own words. There are plenty of message boards online which can offer a lot of expert advice and many blogs from which to draw relevant information.

Programming languages can be difficult but by utilizing all of the available resources it can be made a much simpler process. Applying some time and effort to the materials that are being presented and allowing plenty of time to practice writing code can be beneficial ways to absorb and apply what has been covered. Talking about the processes with other professionals and practicing writing code can be very good ways to process information.