Saturday, August 24, 2013

Google Vs Bing Who's is the BEST ?

By on 7:30 PM

Bing started so humbly, with its odd commercials that left you asking, "what is Bing?" They began by bleeding money like a stuck pig, but now they have created a powerhouse "gang" of search engines. First Bing and Yahoo teamed up, then Bing and Facebook joined their features to make a more social search feeling, now they have tied themselves to making them a search juggernaut. In June 2011 Bing had climbed to 14% of the searches made online, from 4% 6 months ago in December 2010. But now Google has its new Google+ and Profiles. Soon Microsoft will be responding with its Tulalip Social Search Program. Will it be enough, or will Googles own Social Network overpower it?
Well here are some personal thoughts on the situation. I have years of experience in this industry and what it is telling me is that you need to look at the companies backing the product. Microsoft and Google. Microsoft is worth approximately 90 billion and has 89,000 employees. Google is worth approximately 50 billion and has 24,000 employees. Microsoft has nearly 3x the workforce and twice the cash. The big buster is this though, Google's 2010 profits are recorded as 8.505 billion dollars, well Microsoft closed the year with a hefty 18.761 billion dollars. Though Google has killed the first quarter with almost a years revenue, it still says to me that no matter what Google does if Microsoft wants to stay, they will stay.
With the Google+ user base already in the millions and zooming skyward, Google is planning heavy investments in it and will eventually use Plus as the infrastructure for all Google products. Microsoft will be responding with Tulalip soon, a Social Network that is integrated with search more deeply than anything we have seen before, will we get a nifty button for rating things? We can only hope that we get Microsoft to make a Check Mark button or something of the like so that we can integrate yet ANOTHER button into our websites. I believe that Google+ biggest mistake was making it so that no business section will exist for a year or so, that takes away HUGE group of interested parties.
The war is merely in its build up stage, early 2012 we should see some veritable nuclear bombs dropping from Microsoft I believe. As a P.P.C. Assassin I sit quietly by the sidelines watching, waiting and leaping upon opportunities that I see for my clients overall success and ROI. Watch your backs and remember, Ascension Web Presence Creation is here to help guide you when times are darkest in advertising. Never underestimate the power of the little red guy...

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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